What are the dangers of getting sick on a trip?
Anything can happen to you while travelling. No one is safe from getting sick on the road. A person may overrate his strengths, get tired and become less cautious. For example, if he had too much cold water to drink, sat in a draft, ate something unknown or something familiar that turned out to be spoiled, etc. Such situations happen quite often. To prevent this, you should know what to do in case you see any symptoms. This article describes the most common illnesses and instructions on how to give first aid to yourself and the people who travel with you (no room for self-treatment!).
How to avoid future troubles
First of all, never go on a trip if you are tired. If you are exhausted, you are more vulnerable to various infections and pathologies. That is why before going on a trip you should have enough sleep, be active and in good spirits. A long trip requires maximum concentration and thus, good health.
To prevent allergy, take antihistamines in advance and carry as much medicine as you desire.
When the climate and time zones change, pressure and/or temperature (e.g. if you take a trip to the mountains) dramatically changes, you may feel that your body defences weaken as well as your immunity. That is why you should start taking adaptogens on a regular basis. They help you to increase your body resistance and its adaptation level. These can be either specialised medicines sold in drugstores or fruits and drinks rich in vitamin C (oranges, rosehip syrup, currant tea, infusion of rosebay leaves, etc.). We recommend you to drink as much fluids as possible (not only tea and coffee). Mineral water and natural juices help you to maintain the desired balance of minerals and salt, while taking care of your cardiovascular system. You can also take polyvitamins. We recommend you to start taking them two weeks before the trip.
Food you are going to eat on your trip should be fresh. If you are not sure that a roadside diner is a clean and safe place, do not risk. We recommend you not to buy watermelons and grapes on the roadside. Usually they are not well washed and easily spread disease (as well as poorly washed hands).
Ideally, you should take with you not only a sufficient number of wet wipes (preferably antibacterial), but also special antiseptic sprays. There are also easy and efficient antibacterial liquids for everyday use. These are called sanitizers. Since recently, they have been included in the list of essential personal-care products (e.g. Dezavid “on the trip” — Дезавид “В дорогу”).
Thus, usual precautions help you to avoid many troubles concerning your health. However, if you feel sick you should know what actions to take.
Giving first aid to the driver or passengers
Usually every first-aid kit includes all the necessary stuff to fight against cold, inflammation, allergy or pain, diarrhea, etc. However, quite often we tend not to pay attention to slight illness, and when it has already evolved we start taking all the possible medicine. In order not to endanger yourself and your passengers, you should understand that it ought not to be neglected. If you feel cold coming on, get some rest, drink a lot (preferably, herbal tea, with honey and lemon), gargle. If you have a stuffy nose, use nasal drops. In case of fever, take antifebrile drugs. Today combined medication is very popular due to its high dissolving capacity in hot water. It helps you to lower the temperature. Moreover, it has anti-inflammation and analgesic effect, eliminates the cough, nasal stuffiness and sore throat. However, you are not allowed to take these drugs more than four times a day. Be particularly cautious when giving medicines to your children.
If you drive your car when it is hot outside and you don’t turn on the air conditioner, the driver and passengers start having headaches or dizziness, blackouts. They may feel heat or chill. These may be the symptoms of heat stroke. In such cases, move a person to a shady and cool place, undo the top buttons, loosen waist zippers and give him some water to drink. If his condition does not improve, call a doctor.
In case of stomach ache (particularly, children) and heartaches it is necessary to call emergency medical service. Do not use any painkillers. They can only do harm. Be careful going on a trip if you suffer from vascular pathology. A driver who suddenly goes faint, may provoke car accidents on the road.
Treat injuries, cuts, scratches and slight skin inflammation with Argosulfan (“Аргосульфан”), Levomekol (“Левомеколь”), zinc ointment, tetracycline ointment, “Rescuer” ointment (мазь “Спасатель”), “First aid” ointment (мазь “Скорая помощь”), Linimentum Synthomycini, Linimentum aloe, Baneocin, “Panthoderm” (“Пантодерм”), “Boro plus” (“Боро-плюс”), Eplan (“Эплан”), etc.
Thank you for your attention. We hope this article was helpful. Good health to you! Take care and don’t forget to take your International Driving Permit.
![Ben Wilder](https://i.postimg.cc/pXBc50bY/Ben2.png)
Published November 06, 2017 • 5m to read