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  5. Best Time to Visit Laos
Best Time to Visit Laos

Best Time to Visit Laos

Laos experiences a tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons.

  • Best months to visit Laos during the dry season (November to April):
    • Optimal weather with clear skies.
    • Ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing.
    • Temperature range: 25°C to 35°C (77°F to 95°F).
  • Wet Season (May to October):
    • Frequent rainfall, transforming the landscape.
    • Lush green scenery.
    • Lower tourist traffic, offering a unique experience.
    • Temperature range: 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F).
  • Transitional seasons (April/May and September/October):
    • Transitional periods between wet and dry seasons.
    • Varied weather conditions; advisable to check regional forecasts.
    • Opportunity to witness changing landscapes.
Basile MorinCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

When is the best month to visit Laos?

The best month to visit Laos depends on your preferences and the type of experience you’re seeking.

1. November to February (Dry Season):

  • Advantages:
    • Ideal weather with clear skies and comfortable temperatures.
    • Best for outdoor activities, sightseeing, and cultural events.
  • Considerations:
    • Higher tourist traffic, especially around popular destinations.

2. March to May (Transition to Wet Season):

  • Advantages:
    • Witness the traditional Lao New Year (Pi Mai Lao) celebrations in April.
    • Lush green landscapes as the country transitions to the wet season.
  • Considerations:
    • Increasing temperatures and humidity.

3. June to August (Wet Season):

  • Advantages:
    • Lower tourist numbers; great for budget travelers.
    • Experience Laos in its greenest state.
  • Considerations:
    • Frequent rainfall, potential travel disruptions.

4. September to October (Transition to Dry Season):

  • Advantages:
    • Cooler temperatures as the country shifts to the dry season.
    • Varied landscapes during the transitional period.
  • Considerations:
    • Possibility of occasional rain; advisable to check regional forecasts.
Basile MorinCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Weather by month for traveling in Laos

Laos weather in January:

  • Temperature: 14°C to 29°C (57°F to 84°F), cool and comfortable.
  • Conditions: Dry and clear skies.


  1. Festivals: Wat Phou Festival in Champasak and other cultural celebrations.
  2. Outdoor Adventures: Trekking, cave exploration, and waterfall visits in Luang Prabang and Vang Vieng.
  3. Mekong River Cruises: Serene cruises from Luang Prabang to Pak Ou Caves.


  • Tourist Traffic: January is busy, so plan and book ahead.
  • Temple Visits: Explore iconic temples like Wat Xieng Thong and Wat Sisaket.

Laos weather in February:

  • Temperature: 17°C to 32°C (63°F to 89°F), pleasantly warm.
  • Dry Conditions: Ideal for outdoor activities and exploration.


  1. Pakse Lantern Festival: Witness the enchanting Lantern Festival in Pakse.
  2. Luang Prabang Film Festival: Enjoy Southeast Asian films in a unique cultural setting.
  3. Mild Temperatures: Perfect for river cruises and exploring historic sites.


  • Trekking: Explore Luang Namtha’s landscapes or the Bolaven Plateau.
  • Natural Wonders: Visit Kuang Si Waterfalls and Pak Ou Caves.


  • Tourist Traffic: February remains popular, plan ahead.
  • Cultural Immersion: Engage with local traditions during festivals.

Laos weather in March:

  • Temperature: 20°C to 35°C (68°F to 95°F), warm and inviting.
  • Beginning of Transition: March marks the transition to the wet season, but rainfall is still limited.


  1. Boun Khoun Khao Festival: Celebrate the end of the Buddhist Lent with this traditional festival.
  2. Blooming Landscapes: Witness the start of lush greenery as nature comes alive.


  • Cultural Events: Participate in local festivals and ceremonies.
  • Outdoor Exploration: Enjoy trekking, river cruises, and temple visits.


  • Increasing Temperatures: Be prepared for warmer weather.
  • Crowds: Tourist numbers start to rise.

Laos weather in April:

  • Temperature: 25°C to 38°C (77°F to 100°F), hot and dry.
  • Dry Season Peak: April is the hottest month, with minimal rainfall.


  1. Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year): Immerse yourself in the lively celebrations of the Lao New Year, marked by water fights, parades, and traditional rituals.
  2. Cultural Revelry: Experience the festive atmosphere as locals and tourists alike engage in joyful celebrations.


  • Water Festival: Participate in the unique water-related festivities during Pi Mai Lao.
  • Temple Visits: Explore historic temples amid the cultural vibrancy.


  • Hot Weather: Be prepared for high temperatures.
  • Popular Travel Period: April attracts many visitors due to the New Year celebrations.

Laos weather in May:

  • Temperature: 24°C to 35°C (75°F to 95°F), warm with occasional rain.
  • Wet Season Onset: May marks the beginning of the wet season, with increased rainfall.


  1. Lush Landscapes: Experience the transformation of Laos into a vibrant green paradise as the rainy season begins.
  2. Cultural Respite: May offers a quieter period as tourist numbers decrease.


  • Nature Exploration: Witness the blooming flora and visit waterfalls in their full glory.
  • Local Interactions: Enjoy a more intimate experience with local communities.


  • Rainfall: Expect occasional showers; pack accordingly.
  • Off-Peak Travel: May sees fewer tourists, providing a more relaxed atmosphere.

Laos weather in June:

  • Temperature: 24°C to 33°C (75°F to 91°F), warm and humid.
  • Wet Season Continues: June is part of the rainy season, characterized by increased rainfall and occasional thunderstorms.


  1. Verdant Scenery: Revel in the lush greenery as the landscape flourishes during the wet season.
  2. Cultural Immersion: Engage with local communities during this quieter travel period.


  • Rainforest Exploration: Embrace the rainy season by exploring rainforests and witnessing the thriving flora and fauna.
  • Local Festivals: Participate in local festivities that may take place, providing an authentic cultural experience.


  • Rainy Days: Expect frequent rainfall; plan activities accordingly.
  • Quiet Travel Period: June sees fewer tourists, allowing for a more peaceful exploration.

Laos weather in July:

  • Temperature: 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 89°F), warm and humid.
  • Monsoon Season: July is part of the monsoon season, characterized by regular rainfall and occasional thunderstorms.


  1. Cultural Experiences: Explore Laos’ cultural heritage with fewer tourists around.
  2. Rural Beauty: Witness the countryside in its lush, rainy season splendor.


  • Local Festivals: Engage in any local festivals that may be celebrated during this period.
  • Mekong River Cruises: Despite the rain, river cruises along the Mekong can be a serene experience.


  • Rainfall: Expect consistent rain, impacting outdoor activities.
  • Quieter Travel Period: July sees reduced tourist numbers, offering a more tranquil visit.

Laos weather in August:

  • Temperature: 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 89°F), warm and humid.
  • Monsoon Continues: August is part of the monsoon season, characterized by consistent rainfall.


  1. Lush Landscapes: Experience Laos in full bloom as the rainy season reaches its peak.
  2. Cultural Exploration: Engage with local communities and traditions during this off-peak travel period.


  • Rainforest Adventures: Explore rainforests and witness the vibrant flora and fauna thriving.
  • Cultural Festivities: Participate in any local celebrations that may take place during this time.


  • Heavy Rainfall: Expect heavy rain, impacting outdoor plans.
  • Quiet Period: August sees fewer tourists, providing a more intimate travel experience.

Laos weather in September:

  • Temperature: 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 89°F), gradually becoming cooler.
  • End of Monsoon: September marks the end of the monsoon season, with decreasing rainfall.


  1. Transitional Landscapes: Witness the changing scenery as the lush greenery persists, but rainfall starts to recede.
  2. Cultural Experiences: Engage in local traditions with the advantage of fewer tourists.


  • Nature Exploration: Explore rainforests and waterfalls in their full, post-monsoon glory.
  • Temple Visits: Visit temples with a more relaxed atmosphere.


  • Decreasing Rainfall: While rain is still possible, it diminishes as the month progresses.
  • Off-Peak Travel: September offers a quieter travel period.

Laos weather in October:

  • Temperature: 23°C to 31°C (73°F to 88°F), pleasant and gradually cooling.
  • Start of Dry Season: October marks the beginning of the dry season, with minimal rainfall.


  1. Clear Skies: Enjoy predominantly clear skies and decreasing humidity.
  2. Cultural Festivals: Participate in local festivities, as October often hosts various cultural celebrations.


  • Outdoor Exploration: Ideal conditions for trekking, exploring caves, and visiting natural attractions.
  • Festival Celebrations: Engage in local celebrations, offering a glimpse into Laos’ rich cultural heritage.


  • Optimal Weather: October provides favorable weather conditions for outdoor activities.
  • Increasing Tourist Numbers: While not as crowded as peak season, tourist numbers start to rise.

Laos weather in November:

  • Temperature: 18°C to 31°C (64°F to 88°F), comfortably cool.
  • Dry Season Onset: November marks the official start of the dry season, with minimal rainfall.


  1. Optimal Weather: Enjoy clear skies and pleasant temperatures, perfect for outdoor exploration.
  2. Festive Atmosphere: Participate in various local festivals, including Boun That Luang in Vientiane.


  • Temple Visits: Explore iconic temples like Wat Phou and Wat Xieng Thong in the favorable weather.
  • Outdoor Adventures: Ideal conditions for trekking, river cruises, and exploring nature.


  • Peak Tourist Season: November attracts higher tourist numbers, especially around festivals.
  • Cultural Immersion: Engage in the festive spirit and cultural richness.

Laos weather in December:

  • Temperature: 15°C to 29°C (59°F to 84°F), comfortably cool.
  • Dry Season Continues: December provides dry conditions with clear skies, making it an ideal time to visit.


  1. Festive Season: Embrace the holiday spirit and join locals in celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
  2. Cultural Events: Witness various festivals, such as the Hmong New Year celebrations in Luang Prabang.


  • River Cruises: Enjoy serene cruises along the Mekong River in the pleasant weather.
  • Night Markets: Explore vibrant night markets for unique souvenirs and local delicacies.


  • Peak Tourist Season: December attracts higher tourist numbers, especially around the holidays.
  • Cultural Immersion: Engage in festive traditions and explore the cultural richness of Laos.
…your local connection, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

So what is the best month to visit Laos?

December! I highly recommend visiting Laos during this month. Enjoy the perfect mix of clear, dry weather for outdoor adventures, explore cultural richness, and partake in festive celebrations like Christmas and local events. It’s a delightful time for a memorable and diverse travel experience.

Check the need for you International Driving Permit in Laos for driving before you travel. Especially if you plan to rent a car and travel around Laos on your own.

If it is not possible to visit Laos in December, choose April. During this time, the temperature is warm and the landscape is alive with lush greenery. You will witness traditional festivals such as Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year), which will add a cultural touch to your experience. Be prepared for occasional downpours, but the overall atmosphere, cultural festivals and the beauty of nature make this trip appealing.

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