Driving fears (phobias) are not that uncommon as it might seem. Quite often a person doesn’t realize he has a phobia and subconsciously avoids the situations he is afraid of. However, sooner or later it results in more severe pathology called neurosis. Let’s find out what is a driving phobia and why it is easier to prevent than correct.
The concept of a driving phobia
Every human has an instinct of self-preservation. If there was not one, people would simply cease to exist as a species. A car is a safety hazard.
In case of a car accident, it can kill or hurt both the driver and a person who will find himself on its way. Thus, at first, a car was associated with different fears. At the very beginning, people were afraid of it because it was something new and unusual and later the fear was associated with numerous injuries and fatalities on the roads.
Unfortunately, today the number of car accidents does not decline. Even those who have never driven a car may become a victim of the car, even on the sidewalk. These are today’s realities. You cannot insure against all possible accidents. However, you can try to understand the origin of this fear.
If you tackle the issues, you relieve emotional tension and realize that only active actions can help you to fight the fear.
Types of phobias
Quite often a driving phobia occurs as a result of media coverage. Nowadays there is seldom a single day without any piece of news concerning car accidents. Statistics tell us about numerous car accidents associated with traffic violation by both the drivers and/or pedestrians. This information influences too sensitive and emotional people, children and the elderly. Many of them try to protect themselves and their family from car travels even if within close. Among them are those who are most afraid to get a driver’s license and take to the wheel. When a person needs to drive a car which is related to his professional duties, he may change his job or even profession.
Another group includes those who have survived a car crash. This is particularly true of people who were blamed for the death of relatives or kids. This fear is often difficult to withstand and a person may stop driving at all.
Fears of women to drive a car are partially based on innate female caution and underestimation of their own opportunities. At all times a woman needs to stay alive and preserve her posterity, continue to breed. That’s why many women prefer not to drive a car. However, those who nevertheless decide to get behind a wheel still drive carefully. That’s the reason why there are fewer women traffic offenders than men.
How to overcome a driving phobia?
Quite often the fear of doing this or that type of activity is associated with lack of knowledge about how it all works. That’s why psychologists recommend performing actions that bring about results. In this case, you only need to find a driving school and start attending lessons. Gradually you are becoming familiar with the operation of the car and your anxiety reduces. Practice helps you to develop skills and expertise. Emotional tension decreases and you are not scared anymore.
You overcome a psychological barrier when you drive on the roadways just like any other road users. Many students attending driving schools feel calm and confident when driving on the practice ground. However, when they pull into the highway they start worrying and making mistakes. That is why a seasoned driving inspector always sits near an inexperienced driver.
If a driving phobia occurred right after a car crash, don’t try to deal with it yourself. Consult a seasoned psychologist or psychotherapist. Overcoming driving fears usually does not require much time. However, you will have to make some efforts.
A driver and his resistance to stress
Regardless of whether you have a driving phobia or not all road users need to be resistant to stress. The level of stress resistance is influenced by an emotional intelligence. You can develop and enhance it just like any other human abilities. A stress-resistant person never takes risks on the road or puts in danger himself and those who are around him. Calmness and confidence allow making minimum efforts when driving simultaneously preserving energy for everything else. Developing a resistance to stress is a kind of personal mental hygiene.
Regardless of whether you suffer from driving phobias or not, you should have an International Driving License. With our IDL you can drive your way across the globe confidently. If you still don’t have it, make an application here, on this website.

Published April 27, 2018 • 4m to read